The place is in distant space. The brilliant blue star surrendering her fiery atmosphere to the egg shaped black void in the universe is Cygnus X-1. Cygnus X-1 is 6,000 light years from our own sun. The artist depicts this painting by translating electromagnetic information in to visual painting. The flaming cyan orb of Cygnus hang prominently in the right of the painting eclipsed by the frame. Cygnus’s companion is pulling in the translucent glowing bluish white environment toward the off left center. The companion is a black hole wrapped in her radiant embrace. The embrace coax by the black hole’s powerful gravity’s attraction. The intensity of the embrace is pitted by an oval darkness that cannot even be described with non-imaginary mathematics or reason. The malevolent pull of the hungry void swirls the excited flesh of the star into a frenzy of spinning plasma, hasten faster and faster in the ravenous maw. As Cygnus’s essence touches the skin of her dark companion. The combination of collision and acceleration spawn twin intense white spires of x-ray and gamma radiation parallel with Cygnus’s mass as they decay into royal blue leaving the top and bottom of the frame. These spire are all that remains of what Cygnus will eventually become. She can feel the destructive attractions dragging at her concealed core, deep in the blackness of space. The star shine dull as voyeurs of the act of destruction or rebirth.
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